2 min read
Terminal Drive Downloader

Story Behind This Project đź“–

So, for downloading a file from cloud i often use IDM(Internet Download Manager), but unfortunately in my case, IDM can’t handle download multiple file from GDrive anymore, idk why but i’m so lazy to update or reinstall it.

Then i was thinking, how about i make my own downloader?

And i made this CLI scripts using Python.

Usefull or Useless? 🤔

hmm, for everyone else it might be useless. But for me, it’s quiet helpfull.


because my work rn, force me to always using GDrive to get the footage for my works.

”why you did’nt using the chrome default downloader, was it really waste of time?”

Well yes, i could do that too.

But, sometimes chrome downloader connections was so sucks, idk if it’s my network problems or anything.

And after i develop this scripts, i can enjoy doing other task while my terminal is running the scripts, without worried about the download connections.

Conclusion 🗞️

This projects was for my personal use only before, but i decide to contribute it to open source, so that everyone who have the same problems as me can use it or even make a better version of this lazy projects.

But the most important thing is, this projects will make you look like a cool hacker af (who tf download a drive file using CMD)

Thank You!

For reading this worst writing, and for further information or documentation of this projects, you can go to the repo or demo below the title.

Thanks for reading, and have a good day!